1.13 Update

Block Format

“Block Data” refers to information about a certain block. The two components of Block Data are its type (e.g. air, grass, acacia door, etc.) and its state. Each type has a set of properties. Each combination of all the type’s properties is a state, and has its own numerical ID.


"minecraft:light_gray_bed": {
    "properties": {
      "facing": [   // Possible values for the "facing" property
      "occupied": [ // Possible values for the "occupied" property
      "part": [     // Possible values for the "part" property
    "states": [
        "properties": {
          "facing": "north",
          "occupied": "true",
          "part": "head"
        "id": 876
        "properties": {
          "facing": "north",
          "occupied": "true",
          "part": "foot"
        "id": 877

There are 2 ways to encode Block Data:

  • Numerical IDs (type base ID + state bit mask)
  • Map (type’s minecraft:... key + map of string:string for state)

On-Disk Block Storage

Each chunk section (16x16x16 blocks) has its own “Palette”. A Palette is a list of Block Data maps (see above). In NBT format, the Palette tag is a list of compounds.

This is an example palette for a section with 19 different block states:


The BlockStates tag is a Long Array. Each block is represented by a Palette index, corresponding to the order of the section’s Palette tag. All indices have the same bit size, corresponding to the size required for the largest index (ceil(log(n)/log(2)), where n is the number of states in the Palette), with a minimum of 4 bits per index.

The number of longs in the tag may grow from 256 longs (16 indices per long) to as many longs as necessary to store all 4096 identically-sized indices.

Network Representation

Similarly to the Disk Storage, a palette can be used to save bandwidth. The palette is a list of integers (VarInt) – the numerical IDs of each state used in the chunk.

Numerical IDs are incremental and start at 0 (minecraft:air). Contrary to previous Minecraft versions, these IDs are not incremental per-type, but rather per-state.

For example, if type A has 2 properties with 2 possible values each, type A has 4 possible states. If the first A state has ID 10, type B’s states will start at 14.

Encoding Example:

"minecraft:A": {
  "properties": {
    "foo": [
    "bar": [
  "states": [
      "properties": {
        "foo": "true",
        "bar": "true"
      "id": 10
      "properties": {
        "foo": "true",
        "bar": "false"
      "id": 11
      "properties": {
        "foo": "true",
        "bar": "maybe"
      "id": 12
      "properties": {
        "foo": "false",
        "bar": "true"
      "id": 13

Knowing the ID of the first state of a type, it is possible to encode a state from the values of the properties.

Let’s say we want to encode minecraft:A[foo=true,bar=maybe] to the state’s ID (12):

  1. From a pre-calculated map, we can determine the base ID corresponding to minecraft:A to be 10.

  2. The state is encoded using a recursive algorithm:

    1. A temporary value, P, is set to 0. This will be the final result once the algorithm is complete.

      P := 0
    2. The foo property has 2 possible values (lenfoo = 2). The index of the value (“true”) is i = 0. P is set to the result of the following formula:

      P = i + len * P
    3. Repeat the previous step for each property. The result for the given example will be P = 2:

      P = 2 + (0 + 2 * 0) * 3 = 2
    4. The result is then base ID + P = 10 + 2 = 12.

    A sample implementation of this algorithm can be found here (JavaScript): https://gist.github.com/momothereal/27442d5cf3b5d9ceee679b606facdfe4


Decoding numerical IDs is not necessary on the server-side in 1.13.